Corned Moose or Beef
This is an old recepie so you can forget about the oak barrel and use plastic.
Use Fresh killed Moose or Beef cut in roast size pieces.
1˝ pounds fine salt
˝ pound brown sugar
˝ ounce saltpeter
Scrub a good oak barrel thoroughly.
Put as much fresh killed beef as desired in barrel and cover with cold water.
Have water two inches above meat.
Let stand 48 hours.
Drain off water and measure before throwing away.
Measure same amount of cold water (spring water if possible) and to every gallon of water formally used, add above amounts of salt, sugar and saltpeter in the Brine receipe.
Boil BRINE ONLY 15 minutes and skim.
When cold pour over moose meat or beef.
Place heavy weight on meat to keep submerged under brine.It will float!
Store in cool cellar.
Moose/Beef is ready after 19 days.
Corned Moose Dinner :
Simmer a piece of corned moose for about an hour and change half of the water to remove salt..It will be salty!! now add carots potatoes turnip and simmer till the vegies are done,then add cabage quarters to the top and cover to steam till done.
This recepie works very well with moose shoulders or beef brisket or shoulder cuts. I usualy corn 1 shoulder of my moose. It freezes well to. DO NOT USE DEER MEAT!!!!!!!.It does not turn out at all with deer meat..
I have not tried it with Elk so I don't know about that one.
Pete Ward
“Welcome to my outdoor world”